2016.10.22 - 10.27 Autism Team Delegation to China
2016.10.22 - 10.27 A Meaningful and Fruitful Trip
Autism expert team delegation (10 team members from Boston: Drs.Bruce Rosen, Xuejun Kong, Matthew Anderson, Williams Stone, Jian Kong, Yan Ding, Bailin Wu, Yumei Yao, Cunjian Dong) were invited and presented at Shenzhen Autism International Summit, covered the different areas of advances in ASD from genetics, imaging, pathology, clinical evaluation and intervention, behavioral management and educational rehab, Shenzhen city officials, autism experts from major universities of China, autism professionals and therapist, and parents attended the conference. ACMES served as co-organizer for this conference. http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3NzM4OTkzMw==&mid=2651917395&idx=1&sn... 10/24 Zhejiang Province Autism Educational Rehab Forum, delegation was invited to attend this forum held in Hangzhou, for special education teacher leaders and school principals, Drs. Bruce Rosen, Xuejun Kong, Matthew Anderson, Cunjian Dong, Yumei Yao presented in the conference. http://zj.zjol.com.cn/news/469492.html?from=singlemessage&isappinstalled... . 10/25/16 Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Shanghai Mental Health Center round table discussion with Drs. Yasong Du, Yixin Chen, Zilong Chou and other distinguished autism clinicians and researchers in Shanghai. 10/26-27, Peking University- Autism Forum Drs. Bruce Rosen, Xuejun Kong, Matthew Anderson, and William Stone were invited to be keynote speakers for Peking University Autism Forum held in Peking University Medical School, Dr. Kong served as speaker and translator, many national autism experts attended the meeting. Beijing conference news link, including TV interview. http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5ODQyNTcyNQ==&mid=503144509&idx=1&sn=...