ACMES annual conference preparatory meeting minutes of September 3, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
ACMES annual conference preparatory meeting minutes of September 3, 2012
People present (incomplete list) : June, Juanzi, Yu Xiangyang, Wu Zhen, Liu Jing, Min Le, Weigen, Pinqiu, Liu Zhao, Zhou Ning, Michael Chen, shubai Liu, Yingying He, Lichao,
Time: 12:30-17:30, 9/3/2012
Venue: Qingdao Garden, 2382 Mass Ave., Cambridge, MA
Chair: June
- Review of 8/26/2012 autism conference. We had about 150 attendees and it almost doubled our original estimate. We will have to change to a new venue next year to accommodate the increased number of participants. We are conducting surveys to follow up with participates and the overall feedback is very positive.
- A few important factors contributed to the success of the meeting. 1) Long term planing and preparation with the help of many volunteers, as well as an intensive campaign to publicize the event via websites, email lists, newspapers, and personal connections; 2) An impressive array of expert speakers invited by Dr. Kong; 3) The ability of ACMES to bridge modern medicine with traditional Chinese medicine or alternative medicine.
- Financially the meeting ended with a small surplus ($175) but it should be noted no speaker or volunteers were compensated. This number takes into account the donations we received at the conference, and deducts the printing expense ($970) of our most recent publications, which has been given to speakers as gifts and distributed to many meeting participants. In addition, the meal cost of this 9/3/12 meeting ($500+) is also counted as the general expense for the autism conference.
- The ACMES annual conference will be held on November 3rd, 2012, Saturday at Holiday Inn at Beacon Hill . Potentially the date may conflict with a conference of another medical society but it is too late to change.
- Dr. Li Weigen, Dr. Min Le, Dr. Liu Zhao, along with Dr. Kong, are charged with setting the general agenda, inviting speakers, and seeking sponsors. Dr. Liu Jing has volunteered to host a session on Qiqong and fatigue. Michael Chen will facilitate the general operation of the meeting.
- The conference will have two tracks: primary care and integrative medicine. The Primary care session will cover topics such as oncology, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, men and women’s health, and malpractice law. The integrative session will include panels on Qiqong, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other integrative medical and pharmacological approaches. In addition, autism will be added as a subject in this session.
- There will be one or two keynote speakers (TBD) at the dinner. Dr. Liu Jing will lead a celebratory Qigong dance at the end of the dinner.
- Potential collaborations with commercial concerns such as the Great Plain Laboratory Inc were discussed. However, this subject deserves careful deliberation as ACMES is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization.
Submitted by Lichao Chen on September 6 , 2012
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