孔学君医师,美中医学交流学会主席,哈佛医学院附属以色列医院临床医师及研究员,治愈自闭症研究所所长, 机体-大脑康复中心共同主任孔医师毕业于北京医科大学医学系本科及研究生院,先后在北医第一附院及麻州大学医学院附属医院完成内科住院医师训练,并在塔芙兹医学院新英侖医学中心完成博士后研究, 1997年后一直在哈佛医学院附属医院从事临床,教学及科研工作。2000年后儿子诊断自闭症后专注于自闭症研究并建立了自闭症专业门诊,采用生物医学及整合医学新疗法为自闭症患者治疗,2010年创立“治愈自闭症研究所”并担任所长,多年来组织自闭症国际论坛,发表自闭症学术专刊共五期,并与著名自闭症专家玛莎赫伯特共同创立机体-大脑康复中心及自闭症诊所担任共同主任,致力于循证医学,系统生物学,功能医学,中西医结合为基础的自闭症诊疗,科研及康复。 2008年创立了“北美医学与健康”与“北美医学与科学”杂志并任主编。多年来致力于华人社团健康事业,主持大量涉及中美交流,学术会议的组织工作,现任美中医学交流学会主席,并于2014年组建美中自闭症学术论坛指导委员会主席及美方主席,桥接中美自闭症专家团队合作互动,造福自闭症群体。
Kong XJ, Chen LC, Wang XC. Future directions on Autism treatment. N A J Med Sci. 2012;5(3):185-188.
Lee D, Kong XJ. Potential treatment of Autism with traditional Chinese medicine. N A J Med Sci. 2012; 5(3): 189-192.
Zhan YG, Kong XJ. Synaptic dysfunction attributes to Autism spectrum disorder. N A J Med Sci. 2011; 4(3):112-115.
Kong XJ, Wang XC, Stone W. Prospect of stem cell therapy for Autism spectrum disorders. N A J Med Sci.2011; 4(3):134-138.
Kong XJ. Clinical Significance of Functional MRI Guided Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Autism. N A J Med Sci. 2009;2(2):64-66.
Kong XJ. The Biomedical aspect of Autism. N A J Med Sci. 2008;1(1):13-14.
Kong XJ. Editor-in-Chief, Special issue of Autism. N A J Med Sci. 2014;7(3)
Kong XJ. Editor-in-Chief, Special issue of Autism. N A J Med Sci. 2013;6(3)
Kong XJ. Editor-in-Chief, Special Issue of Autism. N A J Med Sci.2012:5(3)
Kong XJ. Editor-in-Chief, Special Issue of Autism. N,A J Med Sci 2011: 4(3)
玛莎·赫伯特,医学博士,哲学博士玛莎赫伯特博士是美国著名自闭症专家,哈佛麻州总医院TRANSCEND神经研究所主任,哈佛医学院小儿神经学教授,机体大脑康复中心共同主任。赫伯特博士从事自闭症研究20年之久,是同行们公认的顶级自闭症专家,她在大脑电生理尤其定量脑电图,脑磁图,大脑代谢性影像方面造诣精深,率先提出自闭症为全身性疾患及大脑神经可塑性的概念,成为美国著名电视媒体的嘉宾经常接受采访,并应邀在世界各地讲学,她得到治愈自闭症第一个创新奖(Cure Autism Now Innovator Award),是自闭症之声(Autism Speaks Committee)的科学顾问委员会顾问,著有“自闭症革命”畅销书,近期由人民卫生出版社出版中译本。
罗森博士罗森博士是美国医学科学院院士,美国医学和生物工程科学院院士,哈佛大学麻省总医院Athinoula A.Martinos生物医学影像中心主任,哈佛医学院放射科教授、哈佛 大学- 麻省理工学院医学科研部教授。罗森博士是功能性神经影像学领域的国际领衔专家。在过去的三十多年,他开创了很多新的生理和功能性核磁共振技术,应用于测量大脑活动和脑损伤相关的血流动力学和代谢变化,也为有关微血管和微观结构形态的代谢变化测定提供了辅助工具。他开发这些和其它技术在世界各地的研究中心和医院运用,以研究和评估患者的中风、脑肿瘤、老年痴呆症和神经和心理障碍性疾病。最近,罗森博士的工作主要集中在整合功能磁共振成像和其他检查来源的信息和资料,包括正电子发射断层扫描(PET)、脑磁图(MEG)和无创光学成像。通过使用功能性核磁共振(fMRI)这一工具来评估神经元活动增加期间的神经和生理(代谢和血液动力学)事件之间的联系,他的研究使得研究人员能更好地解释功能磁共振成像(fMRI) 的信号变化,并开发新的方法来探测脑功能。
罗森博士领导几项大型跨学科和跨机构的研究项目,包括国家卫生署蓝图计划(NIH-Blueprint)资助的人类连接组项目(Human Connectome Project),NIBIB区域性资源中心,功能神经影像技术中心(CFNT),以及生物医学信息学研究网络(BIRN )协作工具支持网络(Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) Collaborative Tools Support Network)。他是两个神经影像学培训课程主任及首席研究员。他撰写了300多同行评议的文章,以及超过50本书的章节和评论。
罗森博士获得了众多奖项,以表彰他为功能性磁共振成像领域的贡献,其中包括北美放射学会(RSNA)2011年杰出研究奖以及哥本哈根/ Rigshospitalet大学的Rigshospitalets国际KFJ奖。罗森博士为国际核磁共振协会会员和磁共振功能磁共振成像领域的贡献的金奖获得者,美国医学科学院院士,美国医学和生物工程科学院院士。
安德森博士安德森博士是神经病理顶级专家,哈佛医学院教授,哈佛医学院附属贝斯以色列医院神经病理系主任, 实验室主任及课题带头人。他的实验室主要研究神经系统疾患的分子及细胞学机理。他在自闭症发病机理方面,动物模型,特定基因表达与自闭症亚型都有极为深入的研究,处在国际领先地位,在“科学”自然” “细胞“等顶级杂志均不断有专著文章发表。
威廉·斯通,哲学博士斯通博士是麻州精神卫生中心(MMHC)神经心理学培训和临床主任; MMHC神经心理学奖学金项目主任。他是哈佛医学院心理学副教授,哈佛医学院附属BIDMC精神病学临床心理学课题主任,他的研究主要集中在识别精神疾病的发生发展中来自认知、临床和生物学相关的危险因素。早年他主攻精神分裂症和相关病症的综合征。近年致力于自闭症的诊断评估及研究,发现自闭症与精神分裂症有很多共性,开发能改变或阻止精神病和其他表现形式的重性精神疾病的的干预措施。
董存建博士董存建博士在中美一流的院校和实验室及中美顶尖的神经科学学者的指导下完成硕士,博士学业和博士后训练,长期从事神经系统疾病机理的研究和新药研发,是世界500强跨国药厂(Allergan Inc) 相当于正教授级别的研究员(Research Investigator);在神经科学和视觉领域里是被国际同行所认定的专家,也是美国全国科学基金会(US National Science Foundation)科研基金的客座评审,多份国际神经科学和眼科杂志的客座评审;是美国神经科学学会(Society for Neuroscience), 美国眼科和视觉研究学会(The Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology, ARVO), 国际临床视觉电生理学会 (International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision)的会员。专长1)中枢神经系统疾病和眼科疾病的发病机理,新的药靶的寻找,确认和动物模型上的验证。2)离体,在体疾病模型,新的功能检测方法的建立及新的药物高通筛选的设计和实施,苗头,先导和候选药物化合物的优化,药代动力学特性和毒理的测定,最佳配方的选择。3)神经药理,中枢神经系统不同疾病的神经损伤机理。 4)科研和新药开发团队的组建,人员培训,管理和指导。5)管理和协调单位内外研发合作项目。6) 课题组/部门中,长期战略规划的制定与实施。创立美国平衡医药公司担任首席科学家,兼任治愈自闭症研究所研究员及顾问,课题主任。赴深圳首席科学家,负责基础科研实验室设置及技术顾问,并实施动物实验及其他科研。
1)Dong, C-J., Guo, Y., Ye, Y. and Hare, W.A. (2014). Presynaptic Inhibition by 2 Receptor/Adenylate Cyclase/PDE4 Complex at Retinal Rod Bipolar Synapse. Journal of Neuroscience, 34: 9432-9440.
该研究首次阐明了在中枢神经系统里一个全新的调节神经递质释放的机制。 该机制是通过对钙离子通道活动的调节来实现的。这个研究也对理清突触前钙离子通道过渡激活而造成神经损伤有重要的意义。
2)Dong, C-J., Guo, Y., Agey, P., Wheeler, L. and Hare, W.A. (2008). Alpha 2 adrenergic modulation of NMDA receptor function as a major mechanism of RGC protection in experimental glaucoma and retinal excitotoxicity. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49:4515-4522.
姚毓梅,美国认证行为分析师(BCBA),马萨诸塞州沃楚西学区姚毓梅,美国认证行为分析师(BCBA),马萨诸塞州沃楚西学区(Wachusett Regional School District)的BCBA。她于1988年获得中国上海华东师范大学教育学学士,1996年在美国宾夕法尼亚州威得恩大学(Widener University)获得教育学硕士学位。威得恩大学毕业后,她从普通教育转向了特殊教育,并加入了马萨诸塞州新英格兰儿童中心(NECC)从事特殊教育(necc.org)。 NECC是美国全国研究特殊教育的中心之一,是一个全国知名的私立非盈利性组织。在10年的工作中,她教过从4岁到22岁的自闭症和其他残疾的学生,获得了大量的临床工作/教育经验,同时她还参加了美国东北大学的高级培训计划,并完成了BCBA的考试课程的要求。她在2007年参加了严格的考试后获得BCBA。2008-2013她是马尔堡公立学校区(Marlborough Public School istrict)小学部的行为专家(Behavior Specialist)。在这段时间内,她有机会学习和了解到马萨诸塞州有关特殊教育和公共教育的法律法规。她还在美国国际学院完成了九门学校管理课程,现正在完成最后一门课以获取在学校管理的CAGS(高级研究生证书)。作为应用行为分析(ABA)专家在马尔堡学区工作的5年,她有很多机会运用自己在NECC积累的知识和经验。在公立和私立学校长期的工作使她有机会了解和总结私立学校与公办学校的区别,以及这些学校如何严格遵循马萨诸塞州联邦的法律法规(CMR),并用CMR来指导他们的教育和临床实践。目前,她在沃楚西特学区的13所学校(学前班到研究生高中)做BCBA顾问,给特殊教育教师、校长及其他相关人员提供ABA(应用行为分析)方面的指导。她还被ACCEPT聘为BCBA家庭服务的监督员,向周边16学区的学生家庭提供不同模式的行为教育服务。
Ken Kwong博士Ken Kwong博士,哈佛医学院放射科副教授,他创立了革命性技术功能性核磁共振使得人们可以看到大脑的动态功能,为研究记忆,语言的研究开创新篇。1993年,在他发明功能性核磁共振之后他晋升为讲师,1997年升为助理教授,2000年升为哈佛副教授。他从事于大脑研究,1992 至2011期间他共发表学术论文97篇,近年来他的研究方向是针灸中药疼痛的大脑定量灌注研究,现在主攻自闭症的大脑影像学研究。他是主要课题合作人,实验设计,影像学专家咨询培训等。
孔健, 哈佛大学医学院副教授孔健, , 哈佛大学医学院副教授。主要研究领域包括应用不同的脑功能成像技术研究疼痛的感知,认知以及调节机制, 针灸和安慰剂镇痛作用的比较,人体预期对针灸治疗作用的影响,针灸刺激, 冥想,太极对大脑的调节作用。在相关领域发表论文70多篇。同时,他对自闭症病人的同情,评价以及安慰剂效应,以及使用传统医学治疗自闭症也非常感兴趣。主要课题合作人,协助实验设计,培训人员,中医针灸及影像学课题
阿尔伯特·杨,医学博士,哲学博士Albert Yeung博士是在美国马萨诸塞州总医院(MGH)抑郁症临床研究计划初级保健研究主管、哈佛医学院精神病学副教授。杨博士获得国立台湾大学医学学位,并在哈佛大学公共卫生学院获得科学学士学位和博士学位,主修流行病学,他还在MGH完成了精神病学住院医师培训.他是“美裔华人太极训练之前和之后静息状态网络的变化在抑郁症治疗中的评估”这项研究的主要研究者。
王朝曦博士,哈佛大学公共卫生学院研究员,治愈自闭症研究所研究员毕业于北京医科大学(现北京大学医学部)基础医学院,从美国军事医学院(Uniformed Services University of the Health Science,马里兰州贝塞斯达市)获得分子免疫与微生物学博士学位,现任美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院研究员(Research Scientist)。具有跨越文化体系的比较研究经验,通过中美医疗事故相关法律的比较研究,逐渐形成了一套卓有成效地、在不同文化体系之间进行比较研究的方法,能够在教育研究中透过两种文化表面上的巨大差异抓住本质。2007年起,在美国哈佛公共卫生学院进行科研的同时,受同事研究项目的启发,开始关注铅中毒对儿童智力发育的影响,进而开始进行儿童教育研究。由于长期在不同领域从事多学科的协作研究。在关注教育时,能够将不同科研领域与教育相关的最新研究进展(特别是脑科学、心理学、流行病学等学科)进行总结、整合,逐渐形成了一个自己的理论系统,最先正式提出教育健康(Educational Health)的概念。
王青梅博士,康复专家及课题主任,哈佛医学院Spaulding 康复医院助理教授专注于中风康复,对于自闭症也很有兴趣,担任自闭症社区活动主任。主要合作者自闭症与大脑炎症,生物活性物及物理治疗方面,动物实验及临床。
David Lee, Ph.D., Dr. Lee is an associate professor at Harvard Medical School and the Director of the Bioorganic and Natural Products Laboratory at McLean Hospital. He completed his Ph.D. degree in Natural Products Chemistry at Columbia University. Dr. Lee has worked on numerous projects in drug discovery and development related to traditional Chinese medicine. He and his team isolated a potent topoisomerase I inhibitor (NPI-BC-4) from Boswellia caterii, a traditional medicine used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases in India and China without overt toxicity. A preliminary clinical trial of NPI-BC-4 in Germany showed excellent results in patients with brain tumors. Because of its specific activity against CNS (SP-295) and prostate cancer cell lines (DU-145 and PC-3), NPI-BC-4 is also being developed as a potential non-hormonal therapy for advanced prostate cancer and for early intervention, including benign prostate hyperplasia. Dr. Lee has contributed significantly to the development of alternative therapies for substances abuse. He is the principal investigator on a program project grant funded by the National Institutes of Health entitled “Alternative Therapies for Alcohol and Drug Abuse.” Under this program, several isoflavone glycosides have been identified and assessed in animal models of alcoholism. Because of their favorable toxicity profile in comparison with naltrexone, an FDA approved drug, and their suppression of alcohol drinking in alcohol preferring rats, these isoflavone glycosides stand a good chance of development for the treatment of alcoholism. Dr. Lee is also serving as Co-PI on the development of the herbal remedy (HLXL) for osteoarthritis. Dr. Lee and his colleagues at McLean Hospital are also looking into natural remedies for depression, insomnia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Lee received an institutional development award in 1985. He has published 100 papers and holds 15 U.S. and international patents. In this presentation, he will speak on the “Potential Treatment of Autism with Traditional Chinese Medicine”.
Bailin Wu, Ph.D., M. Med., FACMGDr. Wu is a Diplomate of the American Board of Medical Genetics and an elected Fellow of the American College of Medical Genetics. Dr. Wu is the past President of the Association of Chinese Geneticists in America (2006-07) and has been playing an active leadership role in the community of overseas Chinese Geneticists, in which he has helped to organize various scientific events between the U.S. and great China region, including the historic conference “Health Care, East and West, Moving into the 21st Century” (co-hosted by Harvard Medical School, MIT and Chinese Medical Association), Beijing’s 2004 International Conference on Medical Genetics, Shanghai’s 2005 ACGA-Fudan International Symposium on Genomic Medicine, Hong Kong’s 2008 ACGA-HKSMG International Conference on Genetic and Genomic Medicine, and Taiwan’s 2009 International Conference on Genomic Medicine. Dr. Wu's research contributions and recent publications by peer reviewed journals include N Engl J Med, Nature, Cell, AJHG, AJMG, J Med Gen, Clin Chem, Clin Gen, Genet Med, JGG, J Mole Diag, Neuropsychiatr Genet, Pediatrics, PLOS One.
Xueyi Li, M.D., Ph.D.Dr. Li is Assistant Professor of Neuroloby at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He was trained as a physician in China, a cell biologist in Germany, and a neurobiologist in US. Dr. Li studies how cells in our body process proteins for reuse. In most cases, protein reuse occurs through a process called endocytic recycling. Aberrance associated with this protein recycling process has been linked to many human diseases including cancer and autism. A major focus of Dr. Li’s research is to decipher how protein recycling is controlled in cells and to find ways for harnessing protein recycling as disease therapy and or disease diagnosis. Dr. Li’s laboratory has created several lines of genetically modified mice to faciliate studies for decoding how aberrant protein recycling leads to improper function and even death of cells in our body.
Yiping Shen, Ph.D, FACMGDr. Shen is Medical Director of Genetic Diagnostic Laboratory at Boston Children Hospital (now Claritas Genomics) and Assistant Professor of Harvard Medical School. He is a board certified in Clinical Molecular Geneticist. Dr. Shen is interested in identifying the genetic causes of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, translating the basic finding to improve patient care by providing genetic testing and counseling, as well as developing new management/treatment approaches.
天宝·葛兰汀(Temple Grandin)生于波士顿,动物学家,动物保护主义者。时代周刊2010年100位“全球最具影响力人物”评选,英雄榜第5位。
天宝·葛兰汀是一个传奇。她出生不久,母亲发现她的行为跟别的小孩不一样。后来得知她患有自闭症。天宝称,自己是一个视觉思考者(visual thinker),她通过图像来思考。与此相比,她认为代数是很难的一个科目。十几岁的时候,她被带到了外婆家的农场,没想到她在那里找到了自己的乐园。
不妨看看她在TED演讲里是怎么描述这样的神奇际遇的: 她说演讲的一开头就说,在TED感觉就像在家一样,因为“这儿有很多同道中人”(是不是说很多TEDster都带有geek的基因?)。 作为她的兴趣之一,天宝很享受设计牲畜管理设备。有一次,一家养牛场的牛烦躁不安,不断冲撞牛栏,想要把它弄倒。天宝到那儿时看见旗杆上的美国国旗,就让他们摘了下来。“奶牛不喜欢飘扬的旗子”。激烈的抖动和强烈的颜色对比会激怒它们。她从奶牛的角度出发,像奶牛一样思考,寻找一切会激怒奶牛的事物。
视觉思考者(visual thinker):艺术,设计,工业设计,摄影
模式思考者(pattern thinker):数学家,程序员
语言思考者(verbal thinker):新闻工作者,演员
美国动物科学家、著名自闭症患者天宝·葛兰汀(Temple Grandin),最近接受了HBO电视频道的独家专访,讲述自己的故事。HBO频道首次推出自闭症题材的故事片,她便是女主角克莱尔·丹尼斯 (Claire Danes)的原型:事业辉煌的动物科学家,却举止笨拙,缺乏社交能力,或者正是这点也让她在两个领域里都取得了巨大成就:人道主义屠宰场设计师,直言不讳的自闭症作家。
Helen V. Ratajczak, PhDHelen V. Ratajczak, PhD has been conducting research on immunology and toxicology since 1967. Her research became focused on autism in 1996 when her three-year-old grandson was diagnosed with the disease. Up to date, Dr. Ratajczak has published more than 80 manuscripts and numerous abstracts for presentations at international and regional conferences. While working for Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Ratajczak wrote two drug discovery programs for autism. She was also a Visiting Scientist in 2009-2010 with the Wadsworth Center/NY State Department of Health, where she discussed various aspects of autism. In addition, a proposal by Dr. Rataiczak entitled “Objective Measure of Autism” was authorized by the New England Institutional Review Board in 2011 and is currently funded by Edmond Enterprises, LLC.
Richard C. Laudon, O.D.Richard C. Laudon, O.D. is a tenured Associate Professor at the New England College of Optometry and an attending at the New England Eye, Commonwealth. He is the Coordinator of their Vision Therapy Services. Dr. Laudon graduated from the New England College of Optometry and has been a full time member of their faculty for over thirty-nine years. Dr. Laudon is a known authority on visual related learning problems and vision therapy. He has lectured throughout the United States of America as well as Spain, Italy, Germany and Columbia on topics related to his expertise. Dr. Laudon has also published numerous articles and chapters in his areas of interest.
Hon Ho, M.D., M.P.H.Hon Ho, M.D., M.P.H. Dr.Ho is a board-certified pediatric and general psychiatrist who works in the geriatric and pediatric inpatient units at North Shore Medical Center (NSMC) and MassGeneral for Children at NSMC. He has ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) privileges. He is a research partner of the Autism Consortium. Dr. Ho is also a Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry at McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School. He completed his child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Johns Hopkins Hospital, after his psychiatry residency at University of Colorado. He was honored as a Janssen Resident Psychiatric Research Scholar by the American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education, for his research in pathological gambling and substance abuse. Dr. Ho previously did epidemiological research at the Oregon Public Health Department. He earned his M.D. and M.P.H. (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) degrees from Oregon Health & Science University. He also holds a B.A. in Economics, a B.S. in Biochemistry, and a B.S. in Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences from University of Washington.
Feng Liu, MDFeng Liu, MD, is clinical assistant professor of Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, NYU
Langone Medical Center, New York University School of Medicine, New York. She is also Unit Chief & Attending Psychiatrist, Child Psychiatry Inpatient Unit, and Bellevue Hospital Center.
Gang Wang, MD, PhDGang Wang, MD, PhD, Associa)te Research Professor, the Brain and Mind Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University in New York City. The psychiatric illnesses have different pathophysiological mechanisms, yet these disorders, including autism, major depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit and bipolar disorder, share some genetic aberrations on voltage-gated calcium channels. More and more evidence has shown that CaV1.2 (CACNA1C) not only plays a role in neuroplasticity but also is involved in pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder. Over the past few years, Dr. Gang Wang has been focusing on the role of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in psychiatric disorders.
Chieh Li, Ed.D.Chieh Li, Ed.D., is an associate professor and director of clinical training of the M.S. and Ph.D. School Psychology Programs in the Department of Counseling and Applied Educational Psychology at Northeastern University. She teaches masters and doctoral courses on multicultural counseling and assessment and does research on cross-cultural psychology. As a bilingual (Chinese and English) psychologist, she also writes on bilingual and bicultural issues in the practice of counseling and school psychology, including assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse students. She has also been exploring the impact of traditional Chinese culture and meditation on health and creativity. Dr. Li is the past chair of the Bouvé College Diversity Committee, the national Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs (CDSPP) and the CDSPP Practicum Taskforce.
William Wilson, MDWilliam Wilson, MD Dr. William is a board-certified family doctor at Beverly Hospital. His expertise and interest is the interface between foods and brain function. Dr. William graduated from University of Minnesota Medical School in 1974 and has been practice family medicine for nearly 40 years. He used to practice in Northern Minnesota and has long been interested in research on neuroscience. He has discovered a close relationship between Carbs Syndrome and autism. He is also the physician owner of Wilson Institute of Neurobiology, which is dedicated to understanding the connection between common Psychiatric conditions and common co-morbid medical conditions.
Yihong Han, MD, PhDYihong Han, MD, PhD, has a medical degree from Peking University in Beijing China. She also has a PhD in Pharmacology/Toxicology from the Medical College of Virginia. She currently works on cancer drug development for Seattle Genetics, a leader in targeted cancer chemotherapy. Her father, Professor Ji-sheng Han is a world renowned scientist who made important discoveries in the mechanism of acupuncture which led to the invention of a therapeutic device that can benefit people with pain, addiction, infertility and autism. Yihong is doing her share to help promote the therapy outside of China.
Ming Tong MD, MBEMing Tong MD, MBE: Dr. Tong studied Physics and Psychophysics under Nobel laureate Donald Glaser at University of California at Berkeley. He got his double master’s degrees from universities Berkeley and Harvard with double majors in Bioengineering-Neurosciences and Medical Ethics. Prior to completing his MD degree from Boston Medical, he conducted Phase I & Phase II new drug investigations at the federal National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center. Additional clinical studies and research were acquired from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard affiliated teaching hospitals. Ming engaged in basic sciences with collaborative research work of receptor protein complex and cell biology with faculty at Yale, he published abstract in Cell Biology and papers in scientific and medical journals of Experimental Neurology and Investigative Ophthalmology respectively, his discovery of integrin’s receptors morphology in developmental human was posted on the front cover of the journal Investigative Ophthalmology. By the same year he graduated from Medical School, Ming was the first American Chinese recipient of the Award in Research & Education Fund from the National Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) while he was medical student in Boston Medical Center and spent postdoctoral research in Nuclear Medicine. Ming attended 2000+ medical sciences seminars & medical technology conferences, meanwhile serving medical consulting for the global biopharma industry with strong interest in developing new drugs and molecular diagnostic tests for patients worldwide. Ming ‘s personal hobbies ranges from Chinese wok cooking, fusion food and domestic oceanic shark tank automation, a former Marina member of New England Aquarium, volunteer works in the low income minorities community on Early Sciences Education afterschool program.
Lucy Chen, MDLucy Chen, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia Critical Care and Pain Medicine MGH, Harvard Medical School Dr. Chen is a faculty member of Harvard Medical School and a board-certified anesthesiologist and pain medicine specialist. She has been an attending physician at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) for over a decade. Dr. Chen is a Principle Investigator and Co-investigator on several NIH RO1 grants to study the role of alternative medicine in pain management, opioid analgesia and opioid induced hyperalgesia. She served as the director of Pediatric Pain Service of the MGH Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine. Dr. Chen currently is the director of Resident Education Program and Quality and Assurance Committee of the MGH Center for Pain Medicine. In years, she has served as grant reviewer for NIH study section and journal reviewer for many medical journals. As a Vice president of “American Chinese Medical Exchange Society”, Dr. Chen actively involved as executive committee member in annual meeting and other events planning, fund-raising and as a speaker for medical science conference and public health education. As an Associate Chief Editor for “North American Journal of Medicine and Health” and a section editor for “North American Journal of Medicine and Science”, Dr. Chen makes her contribution with the knowledge and expertise to these two medical publications in order to promote global health.
Jianren Mao, MD, PhDJianren Mao, MD, PhD is the Richard J. Kitz Professor of Anaesthesia Research at Harvard Medical School, Harvard University and a board-certified anesthesiologist and pain medicine specialist. Dr. Mao is the Vice Chair for Research at the Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and the director of the MGH Center for Translational Pain Research. Dr. Mao is an associate editor for Pain and Anesthesia & Analgesia (Pain and Analgesic Mechanisms), and an editorial board member of the Journal of Pain, Molecular Pain, and Journal of Neuropathic Pain. He is a reviewer for over 35 professional journals and was a section editor for Pain Medicine (translational research) for 9 years. He has served on a number of grant-reviewing study sections including U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, Canadian Research Council, Austrian Science Foundation, and Danish Council for Strategic Research. Dr. Mao has authored or co-authored over 130 publications and 75 abstracts and published, as a sole editor, three books.
Michelle Hartley-McAndrew, M.D. Michelle Hartley-McAndrew, M.D. Dr. Hartley-McAndrew is the medical director of the Children’s Guild Autism Spectrum Disorder Center at the Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo. She also is a Clinical Assistant professor of Child Neurology at the University at Buffalo. She was trained in Pediatrics and Child Neurology at the University at Buffalo and also completed a fellowship in Neurophysiology in 2008. She is board certified in both Pediatrics and Child Neurology and her interests include epilepsy and autism.
William Shaw, PhD: Dr. ShawWilliam Shaw, PhD: Dr. Shaw is board certified in the fields of clinical chemistry and toxicology by the American Board of Clinical Chemistry. Before he founded The Great Plains Laboratory, Inc., Dr. Shaw worked for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Children’s Mercy Hospital, University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Medicine, and Smith Kline Laboratories. He is the author of Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD, originally published in 1998 and Autism: Beyond the Basics, published in 2009. He is also a frequent speaker at conferences worldwide. He is the stepfather of a child with autism and has helped thousands of patients and medical practitioners to successfully improve the lives of people with autism, AD(H)D, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, bipolar disorder, chronic fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia, immune deficiencies, multiple sclerosis, OCD, Parkinson’s disease, seizure disorders, tic disorders, Tourette syndrome, and other serious conditions.
Sally Brockett, MS.Sally Brockett, MS. Sally Brockett is the Director of the IDEA Training and Consultation Center in North Haven, Connecticut. She founded the center in 1992 to focus on interventions for developmental disabilities after 12 years as a special education teacher with all categories of disabilities. After training in France with Dr. Guy Berard, the Berard method of auditory integration training (AIT) and consultation became a special focus of her work. Mrs. Brockett has completed advanced training in AIT with Dr. Guy Berard and currently works as the world-wide representative for his program. She is a certified International Professional Instructor in the Berard method. Mrs. Brockett founded the Berard AIT International Society and has served on the Board of Directors since its beginning. She and Dr. Berard have co-authored Hearing Equals Behavior: Updated and Expanded, the newest edition of Dr. Berard's book about his method of auditory integration training.
Devin Houston, PhDDevin Houston, PhD: Dr. Houston received his doctorate in biochemistry from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine. The focus of his graduate work was enzyme characterization and purification. His post-doctoral work at Virginia and St. Louis University focused on signal transduction mechanisms in neurobiological systems and resulted in several peer-reviewed publications. He was director of R&D at a major enzyme manufacturer prior to starting his own company, Houston Enzymes, in 2001.
Presentation highlight: Fungal enzymes have been used for decades as aids in food processing. More recently, enzymes are being presented as dietary food modifiers. Modification of food proteins such as gluten and casein may allow those suffering from food intolerances to add such foods back into their diets. This presentation will highlight the characteristics of fungal-derived enzymes versus pancreatic enzymes and illustrate their mechanisms of actions.
Maria Mody, PhD.Maria Mody, PhD.Dr. Maria Mody is a developmental neuroscientist at the MGH Athinoula A Martinos Center of Biomedical Imaging and an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. She uses a combination of functional MRI and magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investigate a variety of cognitiveprocesses, including language, attention and executive function in children with dyslexia and autism as well as in typical development. She is a reviewer for several journals and her work has been presented both nationally and internationally. She will be speaking about her research on visuospatially-mediated language processing and the underconnectivity hypothesis in high-functioning autism.
Yiqing Song, MD, ScDYiqing Song, MD, ScD: Dr. Song is currently Associate Epidemiologist at Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Song obtained his Doctor of Science (ScD) degree in Nutrition and Epidemiology from Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Song serves as an academic editor for PLoS One journal. Dr. Song has also been the reviewer for internationally leading biomedical and clinical journals. Dr. Song has also been a grant reviewer for National institutes of Health (NIH), Harvard Clinical Nutrition Research Center, Diabetes UK, and Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund. Dr.Song serves a vice president of ACMES and acting editor-in chief for North American Journal of Medicine & Science.
William Wilson, M.D. William Wilson, M.D. Dr. William is a board-certified family doctor at Beverly Hospital. His expertise and interest is the interface between foods and brain function. Dr. William graduated from University of Minnesota Medical School in 1974 and has been practice family medicine for nearly 40 years. He used to practice in Northern Minnesota and has long been interested in research on neuroscience. He has discovered a close relationship between Carbs Syndrome and autism. He is also the physician owner of Wilson Institute of Neurobiology, which is dedicated to understanding the connection between common Psychiatric conditions and common co-morbid medical conditions.
Yi Zhang M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc.Yi Zhang M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc. Dr. Zhang is Staff Physician and Instructor of the Department Of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. Dr. Zhang was trained as a physician in Peking Union Medical College & Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (PUMC & CAMS), Beijing, and Tongji Medical University, Wuhan, China. He then obtained his Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and his Master of Science degree in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University School of Engineering. Dr. Zhang’s current research focuses on critical care and pain medicine. His novel findings have led to publications in various major journals in the field.
Dr. Xuemin KongDr. Xuemin Kong, licensed massage therapist and practicing acupressure, massage/TuiNa and reflexiolog for years, he got trained in both western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine and used to practice acupuncture and TuiNa therapy when he was in China, he has special interest and experience in autism.
Wendy Tian, Lic.Wendy Tian, Lic., Ac. Wendy Tian has been a licensed Acupuncturist of Massachusetts since 2000, and an instructor of New England School of Acupuncture since 2008. She was formal trained in China, and has 19 years of clinical experience in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs (five years in China and 14 years in the United States). She has developed many specialties including: Sports injury, Neuroglia, Infertility, Digestion problems, Skin Problems and Children’s problems. For children’s problems, she has successful cases in treating: Psoriasis, Eczema, Tourette’s syndrome, Stubborn constipation, alopecia areata in children, Facial Paralysis, Enuresis of children, Adolescent anorexia of Teenager, Dysmenorrhea of teenager, ect., by using Acupuncture ,herbs and Acupressure methods. Wendy is very good at reading ancient Chinese words. This helps her truly understand the ancient Classic Chinese medicine works like
Zhen Wu, PhDZhen Wu, PhD: Dr. Wu received his Ph.D in Molecular and Cell Biology/Immunology from Brandeis University,
He finished his Postdoc fellow at MIT in Picower Institute of Learning and Memory; he worked as Research Scientist/Animal facility manager at Saoirse Inc, senior research scientist at Abbott lab and Shire HGT. He is executive committee member of ACMES and To cure autism institute, and peer reviewer of NAJMS.
Shen Luan, Ph.DShen Luan, Ph.D: Dr.Luan is the Co-Founder and served as Chief Operating Officer, Berg Diagnostics. Intrigued by systematically exploring and understanding the molecular profile underlying the pathophysiology of human disease. Excited about utilizing the state-of-the-art mass spectrometric technologies to develop molecular diagnostic solutions which facilitate clinical decision making, improve quality of patient care, and minimize costs of disease management. Shen Luan is currently Chief Operating Officer at Berg Diagnostics .Shen joined Cytotech Labs in 2009 as Director of Bioanalytical and Diagnostics. He was named as Vice President of Bioanalytical and Diagnostics in 2010. He was appointed as President and Chief Technology Officer in 2010 for the newly formed Berg Diagnostics. He leads the development and implementation of Berg Diagnostics’ technology platforms, directs business development efforts, as well as provides corporate strategy. He was a Technical Product Manager of Waters Corporation responsible for LC/MS and LC/MS/MS system solutions and laboratory informatics. Prior to joining Waters Corporation in 2004, he was with Thermo Fisher Scientific for 9 years and has held various management positions including Engineering Manager, Research Manager, and Product Manager. He has solid business experience across the product lifecycle including design, development, project management, commercialization, manufacturing, supply chain, quality assurance, and regulatory compliance. He received a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Iowa State University and a B.S. in Analytical Chemistry from Peking University. He authored and co-authored 10 peer-reviewed publications and 29 scientific meeting presentations. He holds a Lean - Six Sigma Black Belt certificate. He is executive member of ACMES.
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